Today, we continue ahead on the theme of innovation in K-12 education. Earlier this month, the 2017 SXSWedu Conference and Festival in Austin brought about a number of discussions on how to foster innovation in learning, bringing together experts from both K-12 and higher ed communities on pertinent topics: expanding leadership in public schools, improving…
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SXSWedu Conference Highlights: Virtual Reality, Equity, and Next-Gen Educators
College Readiness: What’s Missing from Exams, the Common Core, and Other Teaching Practices
Are public school seniors ready for college? According to the past decade of research, most of them aren’t there yet. In 2014, the college admissions test was overhauled by the College Board, in an effort to respond to the harsh criticisms of the SAT. Only, the average scores of the Class of 2015 showed a…
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This Week: Top Headlines in Education
After the long-fought battle against her confirmation on Capitol Hill, Secretary Betsy DeVos has been stirring things up in her first few weeks on the job. Among other things, she has attacked public school teachers, bashed protesters, did not participate in the first Twitter chat her department had for teachers on Feb. 21, added more…
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This Week: Top Headlines in Education
It’s a critical time particularly for states, as leaders are scrambling to finalize the ESSA accountability plans for their state. This year, there’s a particularly large number of new policymakers coming on board, which has many advocates and district leaders on edge. In prior years state policymakers had some room to get up to speed,…
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Technology and the At-Risk Student: 3 Ways to Change Their Learning Outcomes
Students who are labeled “at risk” face a unique set of learning challenges than their peers. They run a wide variety: ones who belong to ethnic minorities, those who are academically disadvantaged, those who are disabled, those with a probationary status, and those from low-income or poverty-stricken households. For example, for the 16 million students…
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First Look at How States Will Get ESSA Off the Ground
The Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) is finally ready to be implemented in schools across the country, after the past couple of years spent reaching out to educators and creating detailed plans on how to handle effective hiring of teachers, school ratings, education quality, and accountability. 17 states and the District of Columbia are expected…
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4 Big Problems Created By the Standardized Testing Craze
The Obama administration confirmed what many have been saying for years: U.S. public school students are taking too many standardized tests. This came after a two-year movement to revolt against standardized tests around the country, which is still growing among students, parents, teachers, principals, superintendents, and others. Starting in February 2015, more than a dozen…
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Few Educators Are Prepared to Teach the Common Core
Even as states first began implementing the Common Core standards, educators knew that it would take several years to fully understand the new guidelines and be able to shift instruction in the new direction. It’s no major feat bringing together parents, teachers, district leaders, policymakers, and communities to work together to make the Common Core…
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ESSA in 2017: A Challenging Road Ahead for States and School Districts
2016 was a busy year, as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) first got off the ground. Contrary to its predecessor, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) from the Bush era, ESSA was an unprecedented step forward in reforming public education, handing over control over education standards to the states. The new law focuses…
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National Scorecard Ranks 50 States on Education Performance
For more than a decade, American public education has been faced with this fundamental issue: providing the best quality education and proving their accountability in doing so. Last year, the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was a breakthrough in prescribing a well-rounded approach in education reform. With the rules put in place,…
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