You’re all familiar with the typical high school students… We sit in class, usually half asleep, listening to our teacher ramble on about applied trigonometry. Though we’re in the classroom, we never seem to retain much of what’s taught. Why? Because the teacher, in most cases, is simply following the curriculum, and the curriculum doesn’t cater to student needs. Not All Students Learn in the Same Way According to KidSpot, “It is estimated that around 80% of all students learn visually”, making them suited to traditional teaching methods, but what about the other 20%? The 20% that won’t be able…
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A Student’s View: Why We Need to Change the Way We Teach
The Next Big Thing in EdTech: Learning Relationship Management
The Learning Management System (LMS) is nothing new, most commonly used by higher education institutions as a means of managing courses and students. The popular management tool has more recently been making an appearance in K-12 schools, providing educators and students alike a more efficient way to manage school work, retrieve reports on progress and performance, and store documentation. But the LMS is evolving at a rapid pace with new EdTech contenders pioneering the Learning Relationship Management movement. What is Learning Relationship Management? The “LRM offers a holistic student success solution that the education world has never before experienced”, says…
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