Digital learning is getting a major boost – great news for education. A 2017 report from the Fosway Group, one of Europe’s top HR and learning analyzers, pointed out that there are fast-growing investments in digital learning platforms and content. Of the learning and development professionals surveyed, the biggest demands they are seeing in new technologies have been focused in video learning (77 percent) and mobile learning (76 percent). Today, video and mobile are dominating as optimal ways that people consume content and learn. They’ve have been on the rise for a few years, becoming much more than passing trends. Let’s…
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Video and Mobile Learning: What the Research Says
This Week: Top Headlines in Education
A few days before the presidential inauguration, the U.S. Dept of Education released their national plan on the future of education technology. In it, they propose a vision that radically reshapes the discourse by focusing less on the use of ed tech in classrooms and more on how it can contribute to the development of a student-centered higher ed ecosystem. Read about their technology report and other major issues taking place in K-12 and higher education below. U.S. Department of Education Releases New Report on Ed Tech Challenges In the National Higher Education Technology Plan, the department highlights the need…
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National Scorecard Ranks 50 States on Education Performance
For more than a decade, American public education has been faced with this fundamental issue: providing the best quality education and proving their accountability in doing so. Last year, the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was a breakthrough in prescribing a well-rounded approach in education reform. With the rules put in place, now the hard work of implementation will be up to states in 2017. And with the final rules issued last November, the Department of Education handed over ownership to the states, so they could define their own goals and performance measurement and rely on local…
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Top 5 Technology Trends to Watch in 2017
In 2016, a number of technology trends took off and made a big impact in K-12 and higher education classrooms. Competency-based education and other types of blended learning created a fundamental shift in the learning model, data analytics helped educators learn how to better serve their students, and BYOD technology policies have grown to accommodate the every-growing ecosystem of tablets and other individual devices in schools. As the year is coming to end, we’ve put together a watch list of 2017 technology trends and predictions for education. Mobile Learning Mobile devices will continue to impact teachers and students in the…
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This Week: Top Headlines in Education
Last week, the White House released a new report on artificial intelligence and how it will transform our economy over the coming years and decades. Watch the story on Forbes, highlighting the findings and what it could mean for education, and check out other top headlines for K-12 and higher ed. Automation and How Investing in Education May Keep the American Dream Alive In October, the White House released a paper on preparing for the future of artificial intelligence. Released last week, their newest report dives deeper into the impact that AI will have on the American economy. Read…
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4 Emerging Models Pushing Tech Adoption in the Classroom
Two-thirds of American students end up leaving school unprepared for college or a career, according to the 2016 Nation’s Report Card.[1] With the rising pressure to improve student outcomes, K-12 educators are turning to a number of new instructional technologies and models to personalize and enrich classroom learning. Read about four key trends that are accelerating the integration of new technologies in the classroom. Online Learning There are many reasons for high schools and colleges to create ad hoc online courses and programs. In some cases, educators have chosen to experiment with this format simply to gather better analytics with…
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4 Big Ideas in Machine Learning That Are Changing Education
Machine learning is a hot topic in the current technology landscape, and in the coming years, it is expected to bring about new breakthroughs. Can machines do what humans can do? In the 1950s, Alan Turing published a paper on the idea of a thinking machine, and now machine learning has made a tremendous impact on every imaginable industry. In the past five years, news stories talked about how computers lacked the ability to do complex tasks requiring seasoned judgment (e.g., driving a car) – only computers are getting faster than most predicted. Pedro Domingos, a computer science professor at…
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Future Classrooms and the Power of Big Data and Little Data
Data has been growing on a massive scale, in everything from business, engineering, science, entertainment, and policy, transforming the way we think about the world. On the education front, many initially viewed data as a disruption, and not an ally, to the classroom. And as the American higher-ed system has faced a myriad of post-recession challenges, such as shrinking budgets and increased competition, educators have had to rethink and reimagine what they do – including embracing the potential of technological “trends” like data analytics in the era of the digital classroom. Check out four key facts behind the big data…
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The Top 5 EdTech Trends in Higher Education for 2015
1. BYOD Emphasizing its effectiveness in facilitating personalized learning, the 2015 NMC Horizon Report names BYOD a key trend making a significant impact on higher education. The report outlines a Bradford Network Study that revealed 85% of the responding educational institutions currently allow students to use their own devices on campus, with 52% actively integrating those devices into the learning experience; “The link between the use of personal devices and increases in productivity gets stronger each passing year as more organizations adopt BYOD policies.” 2. Flipped Classroom The flipped classroom model is continuing to make drastic improvements to higher education,…
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The Next Big Thing in EdTech: Learning Relationship Management
The Learning Management System (LMS) is nothing new, most commonly used by higher education institutions as a means of managing courses and students. The popular management tool has more recently been making an appearance in K-12 schools, providing educators and students alike a more efficient way to manage school work, retrieve reports on progress and performance, and store documentation. But the LMS is evolving at a rapid pace with new EdTech contenders pioneering the Learning Relationship Management movement. What is Learning Relationship Management? The “LRM offers a holistic student success solution that the education world has never before experienced”, says…
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