The global education market, particularly in higher education, is experiencing a rising need for formative assessment technologies and services. In a research report by Technavio, there are three emerging trends in assessment through social media platforms, cloud-based assessment platforms, and analytical apps. For K-12 and higher ed, this means the world of testing and assessments…
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The Future of Assessments: 4 Valuable Lessons for Educators
4 Emerging Models Pushing Tech Adoption in the Classroom
Two-thirds of American students end up leaving school unprepared for college or a career, according to the 2016 Nation’s Report Card.[1] With the rising pressure to improve student outcomes, K-12 educators are turning to a number of new instructional technologies and models to personalize and enrich classroom learning. Read about four key trends that are…
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Competency-Based Education: From Grades to Mastery
Competency-based education is nothing new. Dating back to the 1990’s, postsecondary institutions have been integrating CBE as a means of measuring learning as opposed to measuring time. A more robust, self-paced method of assessment, “CBE shifts the focus from grades to learning, emphasizing frequent, meaningful feedback that empowers students to take more responsibility for learning…
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