Superintendents have a tough road. They’re leaving the field in “unprecedented numbers,” cracking under the political and fiscal pressures placed on them. In Pennsylvania, superintendents spend an average three years on the job before leaving, according to a 2014 survey. The role has changed a lot in recent years, and the expectations are even higher now…
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Superintendents and Their Double Bottom Line
4 Important Things Educators Can Learn from Other Industries
Many of the struggles for school leaders are nothing new outside of the education world. They’re the most universal questions faced by other industries – banking, healthcare, retailers, law enforcement, and business – how can you meet the rapidly-changing demands of the people you serve? How do you create a balance of quality and efficiency?…
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First Look at How States Will Get ESSA Off the Ground
The Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) is finally ready to be implemented in schools across the country, after the past couple of years spent reaching out to educators and creating detailed plans on how to handle effective hiring of teachers, school ratings, education quality, and accountability. 17 states and the District of Columbia are expected…
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This Week: Top Headlines in Education
Betsy DeVos, current nominee for Secretary of Education, recently gave a preview of her likely answers to education’s top issues in last week’s Senate confirmation hearing. The U.S. Supreme Court turned their focus on what is considered the most significant case on special education to reach the high court in nearly three decades. Read more…
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ESSA in 2017: A Challenging Road Ahead for States and School Districts
2016 was a busy year, as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) first got off the ground. Contrary to its predecessor, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) from the Bush era, ESSA was an unprecedented step forward in reforming public education, handing over control over education standards to the states. The new law focuses…
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National Scorecard Ranks 50 States on Education Performance
For more than a decade, American public education has been faced with this fundamental issue: providing the best quality education and proving their accountability in doing so. Last year, the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was a breakthrough in prescribing a well-rounded approach in education reform. With the rules put in place,…
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This Week: Top Headlines in Education
Last week, Education Week dropped their longest-running annual report, which grades states on the quality of their education, and revealed a C grade for the nation and called out five of the lowest-performing states which include Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Mississippi. We’ll take a closer look at some of the national and state findings in tomorrow’s…
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Columbus Saves $800k in Textbooks with New Teaching Framework
As K-12 school districts face stagnant and shrinking state budgets, there’s a greater need to find creative solutions to ensure the success of every student. Like many other districts, the Columbus Municipal School District (CMSD) have continued to employ traditional teaching models, relying on textbooks to drive learning. By partnering with Fishtree, CMSD was able…
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The Top 10 Qualities of Great Educational Leaders
1. Innovative An innovative leader is not afraid to implement new ideas and take risks. Without the belief that failure is an essential component of real success, a school can never reach its full potential. 2. Confident Confidence is contagious. With the right amount of confidence leading a school, staff and students are guaranteed to…
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A 7-Step Framework for K-12 Technology Integration
‘Technology integration’ is an exhausted term, frantically being passed around schools and districts as a high priority. While aware of its sense of urgency, the term has earned a reluctant reaction from many educators simply fed up of hearing it. While no school wants to get left behind, the added concern of disrupting the harmony…
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