For many teachers, the last few weeks of school is a strange time. Students are restlessly awaiting that final bell to mark the beginning of summer, and you know there’s little point overloading with new curriculum. For some, it’s a waiting game. For others, it’s a scramble to the finish line. Either way, the homestretch…
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As we reach the homestretch, principals and education leaders everywhere are beginning to reflect on the school year, asking critical questions like: ‘Was it successful?’ ‘Are my students satisfied?’ ‘Are my teachers satisfied?’ These are important not only for professional development and school progress, but for the health and well-being of staff and students alike….
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It’s no big revelation that classrooms are evolving. They’ve been changing for a long time, with some faster than others to embrace reform. Much of this change is edging us ever closer to what many consider the ideal: Student-centered education. Student-centered learning essentially means challenging the traditional ‘teacher-centric’ approach to give students more control over…
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1. BYOD Emphasizing its effectiveness in facilitating personalized learning, the 2015 NMC Horizon Report names BYOD a key trend making a significant impact on higher education. The report outlines a Bradford Network Study that revealed 85% of the responding educational institutions currently allow students to use their own devices on campus, with 52% actively integrating…
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“Are we adequately preparing our students for the 21st century workforce?” Recognizing the need for education reform to better align with a rapidly changing job market, this is a question that continues to be asked. In a recent survey, 126 CEOs were quizzed about STEM and other workplace skills in which 98% said the skills…
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We all know the value of collaboration in helping students to learn and develop, but how important is peer-to-peer feedback? Teacher of 16 years and co-director of AusMinds, Tammie Meehan, aims to educate communities about the value of developing a growth mindset in our children, through the art of peer feedback. “It’s about revisiting the…
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What do you think of when you hear the term ‘learning environment’? Most of us think of school, or the typical classroom, seeing learning as a scheduled activity restricted to buildings and rooms dedicated to the practice. But what if we saw it differently? Better yet, what if students saw it differently? Many are now…
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The Learning Management System (LMS) is nothing new, most commonly used by higher education institutions as a means of managing courses and students. The popular management tool has more recently been making an appearance in K-12 schools, providing educators and students alike a more efficient way to manage school work, retrieve reports on progress and…
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For many, April marks the beginning of pollen-related allergies, longer days, and less layers. For educators, it means standardized testing season is upon us. With administration piling high, and pressure steadily mounting, preparations for state tests are in full swing across the country. To help educators keep a cool head and focus on what really…
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Education technology is a fast-paced industry, continuously evolving to meet the challenges of 21st century education. Every now and again, a concept comes to light that claims to ‘revolutionize’ or ‘transform’ education as we know it. Over the years, as a result of these recurring promises that often fail to deliver, we’ve become cynical of…
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