Mobile World Congress 2015: Combining Innovation for Better Education Solutions
On March 2nd, the annual Mobile World Congress is being held in Barcelona. The thrilling four-day event is set to welcome tech-thusiasts from all walks of life, showcasing and exploring “the edge of innovation.” “Connecting billions of people to the transformative power of the Internet and mobilising every device we use in our daily lives”,…
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Technology for the Sake of Technology: The Problem with SAMR
When it comes to technology integration in schools, many are looking to the SAMR model for guidance. The Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition model offers an insight into how technology can be integrated into the teaching process, following the steps outlined. However, many educators are now turning away from the model, highlighting its over-emphasis on replacing…
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Why Real-Time Learning is the Future of Education
The real-time web has completely transformed the way we interact. With the ability to receive information as it’s published, virtual environments are making us more productive, and more connected, than ever before. Many of us already take real-time media for granted, using it instinctively to communicate without considering the impact it has on our relationships….
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How to Help Your Students to Fail
You either succeed, or you fail. Many take this viewpoint when it comes to effort, forming the conclusion that you can only do one or the other. What’s often omitted from the discussion on success is the promise that failure makes, the many lessons it teaches, and the motivation it produces. An essential component of…
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A Beginner’s Guide to Cloud-Based Learning
Not all learning environments should be virtual. Offering students the best possible learning experience requires pedagogy that’s flexible, collaborative, inclusive, and meaningful. This means integrating technology that works around your ideas, bringing learning outcomes to the fore. As innovative teaching models that maintain this focus increase in popularity, educators are moving to the cloud for…
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10 Ways Technology Helps Good Teachers to Become Great Teachers
#1. It Saves Time. Good teachers want to dedicate the majority of their professional time to teaching, as opposed to managing. Technology makes it possible to alleviate the pains of administration by providing the resources you need in an instant, allowing you to build a lesson in minutes, and keep track of every student’s progress…
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Why Our Gifted Children Need More Support
The desire for fulfilment. The urge for a challenge. The yearning for more out of life. These are common emotions, familiar to most professionals who, at one stage or another, found themselves trapped in an unsatisfying job that failed to feed their appetite. Now imagine this feeling as a child: Day in, day out, at…
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What Drives Us? The Surprising Secret to Building Student Motivation
During a recent discussion on The Dropout Epidemic: What We Can Do to Keep Students in School, Steven A. Levy raised the question of motivation. Pointing out Dan Pink’s research on the The Puzzle of Motivation, he unveiled an ideal framework on which to understand and apply these theories to education, driving students to continue…
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The Top 10 Qualities of Great Educational Leaders
1. Innovative An innovative leader is not afraid to implement new ideas and take risks. Without the belief that failure is an essential component of real success, a school can never reach its full potential. 2. Confident Confidence is contagious. With the right amount of confidence leading a school, staff and students are guaranteed to…
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The Do’s and Don’ts of Differentiating Instruction
#1. Do Get to Know your Students First Knowing your students is the first step to differentiating your teaching. With a better understanding of your students’ strengths and weaknesses, you can ask the following questions: What do they need? How do they learn best? How can I challenge them in the right way? What would…
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